Where They Live
The Human Races:
The Ipsum Scelus
The Ipsum Scelus

Located exclusively in the famous forests of Archo, little is known of the Ipsum Scelus. They are among the most solitary of races, and although they are highly influential, they are rarely seen unless it is on their own terms. As Ian Torinac says of them, "They are the kings and queens of vanity." They worship themselves, think of themselves as the most blessed people on Extremus Terra, and they ostracize all those who are not part of their race. In reality, they are among the loneliest people on the planet, aware deep down that they are not any better than anyone else, but refusing outwardly to acknowledge it and casting off everyone else who would befriend them.

Despite the isolation and bleakness of their lives, vanity has an allure in the human psyche, and thousands of people from all over Terra take pilgrimages to the woods of Archo every year in an attempt to be accepted into their race. Only the most vain and self-centered make it, and join them in seclusion in the forest country of Archo, where even the woods themselves have come to embrace the raw arrogance of the Ipsum Scelus.